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Tom Alexander 28th July 2017 06:08


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 6558)
Sounds vaguely like "Bubble and Squeak" (No! No! No! Tmac, it's nothing to do with your pet ferret -- just another term for that which ferments in intestines and causes deletirious gasses to exude from the exterior anal orifice.) :brain::brain:

Whatd'yamean, you want a huge dish of seconds???? :huh:

billyboy 28th July 2017 12:57

What?...Someone going to chop our 2nd up! Not having it... no way. Injuniers are a priceless commodity aboard here. If they can catch a flying shifter from 20 paces they are good enough for me.

Tmac1720 28th July 2017 17:54

Ferret....FERRET !!!!!!!!! Dear God Tom do you have a death wish.... ferret indeed... I'll have you know Squeek (note correct spelling) is a fully paid up member of the RAT family. :smoking:

It has taken me several hours to placate him and prevent him from running up your trouser leg and exacting revenge for such a monstrous slight :really_mad: :really_mad:

You are a lucky man young sir but for your own safety I would sleep with one eye open for a week or so :jester:

Varley 28th July 2017 18:57

How can Tom's how's-your-father's be both slight and monstrous at the same time? There may well be some occasional swelling occasioned by over excitement but I doubt that he could have a grower that could be described in such language.

Dartskipper 28th July 2017 21:15

If the rat in question had ferreted up Tom's trouser leg to inflict some just revenge for his cruel accusation, then said member might become rather swollen, if not an angry red in hue, to match the owner's disposition after such painful retribution.:jester:

Tom Alexander 29th July 2017 05:34


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 6590)
Ferret....FERRET !!!!!!!!! Dear God Tom do you have a death wish.... ferret indeed... I'll have you know Squeek (note correct spelling) is a fully paid up member of the RAT family.
It has taken me several hours to placate him and prevent him from running up your trouser leg and exacting revenge for such a monstrous slight :really_mad:

You are a lucky man young sir but for your own safety I would sleep with one eye open for a week or so :jester:

If Squeek runs up my trouser leg and wants to sharpen his teeth on my steel jockstrap that's OK. Just as long as there are no little "droppings" in my Four Bells.


Tom Alexander 30th July 2017 06:40

Chittagong tomorrow. I see there are about 70 vessels anchored offshore with another 20 already in port. Nothing showing up as wating for the breakers at Bhatiari -- I suppose we could send Varley ashore there with his super sensitive ultra sonic metal detector to see if he can find anything of value, like gold teeth, mercury, etc. Most vessels on the beach are in a completely unfloatable condition.

Mind you, we could always anchor off -- need a good anchor watch as the holding conditions are not brilliant -- but a quick run ashore in Sir William's launch, (The one with the Rolls-Royce V32 engine) for a cold beer, or three is feasible ?? :pint:

Varley 30th July 2017 09:55

Doesn't sound worth the candle Tom. Do you mind if I just potter for surplus master clocks (a Magneta a la Titanic would be nice) and possibly a 'windicator' before they appear on Ebay and I have to fork out readies for them (not to mention the bulkhead space I haven't got on which to erect them!)

billyboy 30th July 2017 11:03

OK by me Tom, Just be careful with my launch eh! she can make 10 knots on Idle.

Farmer John 30th July 2017 17:47


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 6657)
she can make 10 knots on Idle.

Always look on the bright side of life...

billyboy 31st July 2017 00:58

carefull when you give her a kick astern to check her. dont want spilt booze all over the fitted carpets.

Tom Alexander 31st July 2017 07:39


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 6656)
Doesn't sound worth the candle Tom. Do you mind if I just potter for surplus master clocks (a Magneta a la Titanic would be nice) and possibly a 'windicator' before they appear on Ebay and I have to fork out readies for them (not to mention the bulkhead space I haven't got on which to erect them!)

David, my good man, potter away. Should your collection of time pieces attain magnificent proportions, I'm sure we can find a suitable space for the collection. Like in a special museum certified UV protective glass case with controlled internal atmosperic pressure, humddity, etc. Something not too ostentatious, say about 100 feet long and 10 feet high behind the bar in the pax lounge. We might even create the position of Clockswain to attend to the daily wind-up. :bounce:

Tom Alexander 31st July 2017 07:41


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 6657)
OK by me Tom, Just be careful with my launch eh! she can make 10 knots on Idle.

Yup! And that's before you put her into gear!! Sweet!!:jump:

Farmer John 31st July 2017 09:29

I currently wind eight timepieces, all but two of them every day. I like the sound of Clockswain.

Varley 31st July 2017 10:55

Alas. A ship as both Harrison and Maskelyne knew well is not a place for the pendulum which figure in the majority of my specimens. Only the ship's masters would work and I have only two of those. And, equally alas I have no slot for a Windwain or Clockswain. The pendulums are all electrically reset gravity arm or Hipp toggle movements and the ship's masters are electronic or mainly so.

Anyway thanks for the shore pass and ditty bag I'm off to see what I can find.

Dartskipper 31st July 2017 21:52

I'm sure there's a pendulum clock on the bulkhead above the snooker table in the crews' mess.

Farmer John 31st July 2017 22:44

Snooker and pendulum clocks just need some faith. I have a photo somewhere of a set of 9 spot dominoes balanced on two dominoes, and that was on a Laser.

Chittagong, so good they named it twice.

Tom Alexander 1st August 2017 07:29


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 6712)
Alas. A ship as both Harrison and Maskelyne knew well is not a place for the pendulum which figure in the majority of my specimens. Only the ship's masters would work and I have only two of those. And, equally alas I have no slot for a Windwain or Clockswain. The pendulums are all electrically reset gravity arm or Hipp toggle movements and the ship's masters are electronic or mainly so.

Anyway thanks for the shore pass and ditty bag I'm off to see what I can find.

Oh! Ye of little faith -- I'm sure that Tmac can knock up a very reliable gyroscopically stabilised, inertia controlled device to maintain the required gravitational stability required by your pendulums? We could even fit in a couple of bunks to afford absolute peace and quiet for those who have over imbibed., Hic! :pint:

billyboy 1st August 2017 10:46

Oh yes he can knock anything off for you. seen him knock off three barmaids in the same night before now.

Varley 1st August 2017 11:04

I can't afford that amount of that filthy hooch of which he is too fond. You also have the sleeping comfort all wrong. I am thinking of a seagoing bunk simulator for more comfortable shoreside sleeping with long deep rolling necessitating the wedging in of sleeper with lifejacket.

How much more comfortable for the wrinkly than a PLC operated pneumatic anti-bedsore matress with a natural movement to keep the body turned (probably still need a few of the former for the seasick wrinklies).

Tom Alexander 2nd August 2017 06:47


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 6761)
I can't afford that amount of that filthy hooch of which he is too fond. You also have the sleeping comfort all wrong. I am thinking of a seagoing bunk simulator for more comfortable shoreside sleeping with long deep rolling necessitating the wedging in of sleeper with lifejacket.

How much more comfortable for the wrinkly than a PLC operated pneumatic anti-bedsore matress with a natural movement to keep the body turned (probably still need a few of the former for the seasick wrinklies).

No money required, Varley. Unbeknownst to many, there are two wing tanks in way of #4 refrigerator access hatch, (like so many other things not shown on the official plans), These are maintained in pressed-up condition with Black Bush so we can keep his Royal Oiliness happy for eons.

From the sound of your preparedness, you probably also wear your oilskins, sea boots, and sou'wester in the shower so you don't get wet?? :jester:

Varley 2nd August 2017 10:19

No point in that Tom. Quite wet enough inside already to bother with such a strange sartorial perversion (I did, however turn my pipe upside down to prevent it sogging the dottle).

billyboy 2nd August 2017 11:00

you stick with the gripetine Varley!...your the only man aboard who can drink it by the pint. Way too strong for little old me.

Tmac1720 2nd August 2017 17:32

One clock/crinom...crenome....creinom...bloody time keeping thinmgy mounted on fluid gimbals as requested courtesy of your "friendly" injuneering staff (+ rat and squirrel) :jester:

If I find anybody pressing up my tanks there will be swift and terrible retribution extracted from the presser or pressee .:really_mad:

Tmac1720 2nd August 2017 17:35


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 6814)
we can keep his Royal Oiliness happy for eons.

Now I'd pay money to see that :jester:

His "Royal Oiliness" can make "Good Morning" sound like a threat and in my case it probably will be... :shock::jester:

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