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billyboy 17th October 2017 10:02

Fear thee not Varley. Far be it for me to tinker within the confines of the cosole (far too technical for me) Mearly cleaning the control room. Mind you I accept no resposibility if Squeak or Eric get in there and start chewing on them wirey thingies.

Tom Alexander 18th October 2017 07:44

Halfway to Nassau party in the PAX lounge --- come as you are -- First eight rounds on me. :pint'

billyboy 18th October 2017 08:51

OK I am here, excuse the boiler suit but you did say come as you are.
Ah here comes Varley....Nice boxer shorts Varley...almost to take a shower were you heh heh.
Oh my word. 2 naked plastico' thats nasty ha ha

billyboy 19th October 2017 00:21

well this is nice and Jolly but I really must go back below. O know we are automated down there but, Human eyes are still needed to monitor things correctly and make notes of changes. This is called preventative maintainence. Now you know why Tmac spends so little time at the Bar.
Steward! lump of cheese and a handfull of nuts please, salery (bribery) time for the animated injuneers down below.

ssr481 19th October 2017 01:36


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 8806)
Halfway to Nassau party in the PAX lounge --- come as you are -- First eight rounds on me. :pint'

Only the first eight rounds??? Sheeesh.. :big_tongue:

Tom Alexander 19th October 2017 06:35


Originally Posted by ssr481 (Post 8827)
Only the first eight rounds??? Sheeesh.. :big_tongue:

Although being of Scottish heritage, (and having it on good authority that the limbo was invented by a Scotsman trying to get into a pay toilet) be it far from me to be cheap, or even not appreciative of your return to the ship, so by all means, order doubles, or even trippples of your favourite bevvy. :pint::pint:

Varley 19th October 2017 17:04

Well, they do tend to split when using the brass-bound-bum-stretcher. Always best to carry a spare.

billyboy 20th October 2017 23:41

slightly non compos mentos. Wifes Birthday yesterday. Catch up later when the Cat stops stampong his feet on the lawn.

Tom Alexander 21st October 2017 07:08


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 8850)
slightly non compos mentos. Wifes Birthday yesterday. Catch up later when the Cat stops stampong his feet on the lawn.

tannoy:Rig for silent running in honour of Sir William's "morning after the night before". :eat_arrow:

Dartskipper 21st October 2017 10:12

Sssshhhh everybody, no unnecessary noise until Sir William, (and TMac) are up and about again..

SQUEEEK, don't you dare drop that shifter!!!!!

billyboy 21st October 2017 11:08

Bulkhead phone: hello Bridge. I am on the ball again chaps. Wearing ear defenders but on the ball.

Farmer John 21st October 2017 16:25

Oh, look, isn't that the sloop "John B" just gliding past with a crew of thousands of musicians? We must be getting close to Nassau.

Farmer John 21st October 2017 16:27

We will be holding a regular medical parade from know onward, anyone unfit for duties will be given a hair of the dog that bit them and left to sleep it off.

Just be careful what bites you.

billyboy 21st October 2017 23:24

No worries mate, I never could play snooker with a piece of Rope......BurrrrrrrrrrrrrrP!!

Tom Alexander 22nd October 2017 07:12


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 8861)
Oh, look, isn't that the sloop "John B" just gliding past with a crew of thousands of musicians? We must be getting close to Nassau.

I think it is!! But us up 'ere on the graveyard watch can work all night on a drink o' rum :pint:

billyboy 22nd October 2017 12:01

and us down here in the pit perform miracles by the hour on Cheese and Black bush.

billyboy 22nd October 2017 12:03

Squeak, nip up to the funnel suite and see how Tmacs doing mate. Dont stay too long as I need you to keep an eye on the control room while I nip around and record temperatures in the log book.

Varley 22nd October 2017 14:57

A short arm inspection? Before we get in? who, exactly, is doing what to whom, when and with what? (And who is sober enough anyway?)

Tmac1720 22nd October 2017 18:40

Good evening Ladies and Germs... it is I your jolly injuneer risen from the dead to put the fear of God into you heathen lot. While I struggled manfully with the dreaded lurgy I was intrigued, mystified and latterly concerned but the copious amount of revelry emanating from the bridge and radio room area coupled with a disconcerting view of Varley swinging from the radio wires shouting "hows that for a flashover?".... Squeek is looking rather bloated considering the amount of cheese he has been fed by Sir William who should have known better than to encourage the wee bugger however have no fear normal service has been resumed in the injun room and shifters of various sizes polished for insertion into orifices where found necessary to maintain the status quo..... ME boss... you minion...:rolleyes:

In conclusion to those minions who found difficulty operating the various systems during my absence I suggest in the event of a further period of incapacity RTFM:yawn:

Tmac1720 22nd October 2017 18:42


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 8877)
A short arm inspection? Before we get in? who, exactly, is doing what to whom, when and with what? (And who is sober enough anyway?)

Regrettably I am unaware of the length of my appendages however it has been remarked on several occasions regarding the dimensions of my posterior as in " hello short arse" :balloon:

billyboy 22nd October 2017 23:46

SSR has a Birthday today. said he will shout the drinks in the PAX lounge.

billyboy 22nd October 2017 23:54

just checked on my FB scope. SSR is todays Birthday boy. Set up for a party. He said he will stand the bar tonight.

YM-Mundrabilla 23rd October 2017 00:22

Surely things are not going to be that bad.............

ssr481 23rd October 2017 01:03


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 8885)
just checked on my FB scope. SSR is todays Birthday boy. Set up for a party. He said he will stand the bar tonight.

Yup.. I surely will... using Sir Wilhelm's unlimited titanium charge card that is... Barkeep.. keep the Ahrn coming... I'll letcha know when to switch to the Dom Perignon '52:pint::pint::pint::pint:

ssr481 23rd October 2017 01:05


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 8881)

In conclusion to those minions who found difficulty operating the various systems during my absence I suggest in the event of a further period of incapacity RTFM:yawn:

Good. then you won't mind the extra ventilation in the funnel, will ya... Sir Wilhelm got a bit carried away when I took Budgie IV v2 up for a spin...he said he wanted to be ramp gunner.

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