Shipping History

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Marcus C. Smith 14th October 2017 16:44

#2120 "Kanga".

cueball44 14th October 2017 17:23


Originally Posted by Marcus C. Smith (Post 8728)
#2120 "Kanga".

Correct. :thumb:

cueball44 15th October 2017 16:47

No attempts #2089 - #2091 - #2109 - #2119 - #2121 - #2122. Is there anyone out there ? :angry: :quill:

Marcus C. Smith 15th October 2017 17:30

Yes. I am here, but please understand that as much as I enjoy your puzzle site, I, and others who enjoy your site cannot necessarily spend the time required to pursue the correct answers and neither have we ever declared that we are experts on the subject of ship recognition.
Be advised that I make every attempt at every question. When you say no "attempts" have been made, you are assuming that nobody has "tried". We have probably tried and had not had a clue as to the solution. But, one can try and fail. Would you prefer crap efforts or bine -fide efforts to get the correct answers.
I can hazard a guess that every one of your last offers are "QE2", "Aristottle Arsole" or whatever! It doesn't mean that we are not making the effort to play your site. But, for Christ's sake give us time to respond. We do not wish to waste your time with pitiful guesses.
I back off regularly, so as not to put others off from getting in first. But, when the answers don't arrive, I think I can have a crack in order not to waste your time. I have observed that if nobody makes an effort, you get your arse in your hand and disappear for a while. It is not that we don't appreciate your efforts, but we can't always attend to you as you would require.
Rant over. As always, thanks for the efforts you make.

Sincerely, Marcus.

Lancsman 15th October 2017 19:06

Can only echo some of Marcus`s remarks, if I don`t know one it would be pointless to post something to that effect. I suspect all your puzzles are attempted, but just defeat people. Thanks for the time & effort you spend on researching & posting them though, they are much appreciated.

cueball44 15th October 2017 19:10


Originally Posted by cueball44 (Post 8744)
No attempts #2089 - #2091 - #2109 - #2119 - #2121 - #2122. Is there anyone out there ? :angry: :quill:

Answers > Fijian Swift. - Martha D. - Happy Chance. - Waterland. - Point La Rose. - Fort Saint Marie. Thanks for your rant. I have noticed there are several guest's doing the puzzles but are unable to give an answer because they haven't joined 'Shipping History'. I suspect they are from S/N. I am now thinking about moving back to S/N. I suggest you stay here and wait for someone else to come along to entertain you.

McCloggie 16th October 2017 02:34

Cueball - as I have said before I (like many others) enjoy your puzzles but unless the subject matter is something I know a little about I really do not know where to start on the research side of things.

There is also the time difference to consider ( I live in Malaysia) - sometimes it works in my favour and I can get in first, sometimes I log in and find things I know have been answered already. Whatever, if something appears to be answered I am not going to research things just to check it.

You should not feel aggrieved just because nobody appears to be doing the quiz as I believe everyone gets great pleasure in doing the puzzles even if they cannot get the answers.

Like others, I thank you for all your efforts.


DAVIDJM 17th October 2017 00:22

Time and feeble mind means I can only solve a few of the more famous ships. Many others look familiar but putting names to them becomes the challenge.

I do enjoy completing the puzzles and researching for the answers, and I know I have the answer here somewhere, but where.

time and commitments may mean I cannot answer the clues in time but I will keep trying, (Mrs said I'm always trying).

Keep up the good work it is much appreciated

JGPilot21 17th October 2017 16:06

Likewise thoughts to all of the above. Time and tide usually do for me and more often than not lately the time has run out. I have for years enjoyed dipping into these and other puzzles and quizzes. So do not fret Cueball, there is an appreciative community out there !

Rob Pithers 5th November 2017 19:11

I also like doing the puzzles, tho I haven't a clue about how to name them. Doesn't stop me enjoying them. Thanks for all your efforts to entertain!!

cueball44 4th December 2017 19:16

Passenger Ship - ?

Saudisid 4th December 2017 20:11


Originally Posted by cueball44 (Post 9806)

Sweddish Kungsholm in Port Said

cueball44 4th December 2017 20:16


Originally Posted by Saudisid (Post 9810)
Sweddish Kungsholm in Port Said

Correct. :thumb:

McCloggie 5th December 2017 11:32

Cueball! Great to see you back.


DAVIDJM 6th December 2017 23:50

Ohh Goood Glad to see you back

cueball44 7th December 2017 14:03

Juice Ship - ?

McCloggie 8th December 2017 04:49

No. 2142:

Orange Star?


cueball44 8th December 2017 08:25


Originally Posted by McCloggie (Post 9912)
No. 2142:

Orange Star?


Correct. :thumb:

cueball44 8th December 2017 13:07

I will try and post new puzzles every day. I will remove those that are not solved. :thumb:

McCloggie 8th December 2017 13:26

Thanks CB your efforts are very much appreciates.


McCloggie 8th December 2017 14:10

I still like the hard ones!


cueball44 9th December 2017 18:56

Small Piece. Wine Carrier - ?

cueball44 9th December 2017 19:03

Small Piece. Wine Carrier 2 - ?

McCloggie 10th December 2017 11:30

No. 2147:

Miranda Guinness?


McCloggie 10th December 2017 11:34

N. 2148:



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