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Richard 30th June 2017 13:17

Blocking Forums
Is there any way I can block certain forums on this site? There are one or two I'm not interested in, and when I log on they can very nearly fill my screen with new posts that I don't want to see.

tony allen 30th June 2017 14:52

blocking forums
I feel the same way .I have no interest whatsoever in cruise news ,why cannot it be on just on thread .or is this a way for free advertising because NO ONE replies to any of it

Marcus C. Smith 30th June 2017 15:28

I'm afraid I have to agree with the previous two comments. The standard of correspondence does not compare to the previous site which I have to interrogate to get something interesting in the forums.

Richard 30th June 2017 16:08

What's needed is some sort of Opt Out option which can selected by each individual user. Cruise News is the one I would opt out of. I worked on them for a few years , that was enough for me. :)

Farmer John 30th June 2017 17:32

I suppose one way out of this would be if we could swamp them. I know we are working on it.

Richard 30th June 2017 18:36

It's not even shipping history, just current news. I might leave, I'm not here to see all that stuff.

BobClay 30th June 2017 18:47

It is getting a bit overwhelming ...

Gulpers 30th June 2017 21:12


I have flagged this thread up for Admin's attention. :thumb:

Richard 30th June 2017 22:31


Originally Posted by Gulpers (Post 5610)

I have flagged this thread up for Admin's attention. :thumb:

Good Man! :D

Tony Morris 2nd July 2017 17:43

One of the reasons that I have not bothered with this site much as I have never had any interest in "cattle boats".

pompeyfan 2nd July 2017 18:36

As my colleague has stated, we have flagged this thread for Admin attention. Please remember however, SH is still in the building stages. Seven forums have not been opened yet all of various shipping interests. If a forum content is not liked, ignore it. I have run ship and port cams on other sites, which showed vessels of all types, not cruise ships. AIS was a big help, but naval vessels do not show on AIS, so I had no idea because those who would have known stayed away. Therefore, please bare with us as we build this site for the benefit of all.

Richard 2nd July 2017 18:59

Hi David, I'm sure it will all be sorted out, but I have to wonder why the Cruise Industry News (Or whatever it's called) manages to take up so much space. I've just had a look at their posts, and there are lots of them! Most have around 8 "Looks" and as far as I can see, only 1 recent post in reply.
Would I be right in assuming that Cruise Industry News is available elsewhere on the www?

Richard 2nd July 2017 19:03

Oh! Here it is....

Rob Pithers 2nd July 2017 19:15

I agree. When I tried to block 'Cruise News', I got the message it was an Administrator and as such could not be blocked. Seemed strange.

erimus 3rd July 2017 17:47

I like this site...almost zero politics and,so far, no spammers.


Jolly Jack 3rd July 2017 18:24


Originally Posted by erimus (Post 5716)
I like this site...almost zero politics and,so far, no spammers.


Here, Hear.


sibby 4th July 2017 14:59

Wait until Satanic M finds his way here. AAAAAAGH!!!

Harlequin 4th July 2017 16:19

I'll second that Geoff.
Got really fed up of reading the same old things posted by the same posters on SN. I also thought the verbal abuse posted by some was out of order.There was never a need for that at all.

Richard 4th July 2017 16:39

Also a much wider and more international set of pictures. Also nice to see more Foreign Flag vessels, and people who sailed on those vessels as well.

BobClay 5th July 2017 14:32

1 Attachment(s)
I agree but something needs to be done about all these cruise industry news posts. They're taking over the entire site.

Look at this screenshot I was presented with this morning when I logged into the site .... it's a bit too much.

Richard 5th July 2017 14:47

Someone said earlier no Spam on this site. I would tend to disagree.

Gulpers 5th July 2017 14:51


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 5789)
I agree but something needs to be done about all these cruise industry news posts. They're taking over the entire site.

Look at this screenshot I was presented with this morning when I logged into the site .... it's a bit too much.

Have flagged this comment up again for Staff who have already had some discussion on this matter but, personally, I agree that we are being swamped!

tony allen 5th July 2017 15:37

yep much more and I'm out .we were all seamen for godsake .goto a flipping travel agent for cruise news .don't care if they built a new noah's if it were a bluey a bank star BI ect ect the you have got me from the word go .I'll give it a week

Farmer John 5th July 2017 16:38

If we all started 2 threads a week, that would chase it back into it's corner a bit.

Chris Isaac 5th July 2017 16:42

They are all being posted by one of the Admin "Shipping News"
They are also not being read by anyone.
Suggest you all bombard the mail box "Shipping News" asking for less of this stuff.

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