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virtual crazy gang, part II

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Old 3rd May 2017, 08:05
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Yes Red-17, sometines SSR takes the chopper with the mini guns up for practice. he might take you up and let you have a go with the mini guns. no shooting at the funnel though. Tmac gets awful about that especially if he in his funnel suite at the time.
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Old 3rd May 2017, 08:22
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Originally Posted by Red-17 View Post
Are they Capt. Tom? I thought that they were all Irish but half of them lived in Canada, trouble is I cannot find out which half, top or bottom? I am now going to go to bed and even when I awake in the morning that song will still be going 'round and 'round in my head. Darn it!
I think it's called an ear worm. ------ I get them all the time!

(The top half, Will Millar lives, I believe on Salt Spring Island just a short dqays sail South of where I live.)
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Old 3rd May 2017, 08:24
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Originally Posted by Dartskipper View Post
Galvanised buckets are ready at the gangway, Tom.

What happened to the old wooden pallet type screen hung over the discharge on a bridle?????
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Old 3rd May 2017, 08:43
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Originally Posted by Graham the pipe Smith View Post
Needless to say I have not the remotest idea what billyboy, Farmer John, Thomas Alexander and their, quite obviously VERY long time, ship/SN mates are discussing but I can make a semi educated guess.

I hope I'm not leaving myself open to a repetition of 'past events' but I'll come clean and say I was quadruple DRd by a few years ago for politely posting a thread saying I would leave the site to those more interested in having slanging matches with each other than contributing constructive comment to the respective threads. Instantaneously I was 'man overboard' kaput. No warning, slapped wrist, just the complete opposite of "Hello Sailor". I am more than happy that an old pal, Captain J W Woodend suggested I joined this new forum and I am more than happy that I have been made to feel so welcome. SHe has the makings of a happy, well designed and well run SHip destined for a long and successful 'screen life'.
Seems from your profile your maritime history somewhat reflects mine, other than i didn't rise to the dizzy heights of Master. (Those little ladies will do it to a man every time.) Me -- I've only been hitched for 58 years this coming June. Anyway, if you can loosen your expectations, I'm sure we can fgind you a position aboard the Golden Dreamer should you wish. With the approval of the owner, Sir William, we do have the position of expedition agent open. Your duties would consist of arranging any and all possible profitable ventures anywhere in the world. (Preferably with warm temperatures and cold beer.) With our previous expertise and connections with mafiosa, foreign espionage agencies, billionaires, etc., we can assist you with the admin. The position carries the perquisites of an air conditioned balcony suite, free issue from the duty free, unlimited shoreleave as long as it does not interfere with your duties, and the security code to the Four Bells stash in the chartroom. With your maritime experience you would be expected to stand the occasional watch should the regular staff experience the DT's or other such debilitating cisrcumstances.
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Old 3rd May 2017, 08:48
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SSR -- Sorry to hear your Sir Sidney Of Crosby has taken another serious hit. Here's hoping for a full recovery. Maybe even get the team down #1 hold for a match --- maybe against the Roedean Girls School -- I suspect their attention would be somewhat diverted by the short gymslips, etc??
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Old 4th May 2017, 08:37
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Hmmmm Toms turned right leaving the Harbour. He must be headed for Wellington (some right old boots there)or Christchurch at a guess. maybe even run down to Invercargil, seem to remember we had a great run ashore there, the locals were great (maybe because i was paying) the lovely little rooms above that bar were nice. and the bar itself decorated with those red lights looked good too.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge". A. Einstein.
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Old 4th May 2017, 11:04
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Originally Posted by billyboy View Post
Hmmmm Toms turned right leaving the Harbour. He must be headed for Wellington (some right old boots there)or Christchurch at a guess. maybe even run down to Invercargil, seem to remember we had a great run ashore there, the locals were great (maybe because i was paying) the lovely little rooms above that bar were nice. and the bar itself decorated with those red lights looked good too.
Red lights? Shame on you billyboy, you, and the others, are old enough to know better! Thank goodness I am heading to Tassie. I hate to think what would happen if I was going to Wellington, or Christchurch or Invercargill!

Yes billyboy, I may be quiet at present but I am still keeping an eye on you lot. The older they get the worse they get. Behaviour gentleman please.
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Old 4th May 2017, 11:59
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have a good look around Tassie (peggy747, from SN lives there in St Helens)
"Imagination is more important than knowledge". A. Einstein.
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Old 4th May 2017, 12:03
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SSR.....Should I buy it?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge". A. Einstein.
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Old 4th May 2017, 12:44
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Originally Posted by billyboy View Post
Buy what billyboy? Are you buying more trouble for us? (Says the voice of conscience!):: Is it more trouble for the GD?
Tom, Farmer John, Tmac, Varley, HELP!!!!!
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Old 4th May 2017, 12:46
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Originally Posted by Red-17 View Post
Buy what billyboy? Are you buying more trouble for us? (Says the voice of conscience!): Is it more trouble for the GD?
Tom, Farmer John, Tmac, Varley, HELP!!!!!
Patsy, where are you when I need your help? Forget Rodney, the GD is in danger!
You may not be able to do anything about the wind but you can reset your sails

Vicki D
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Old 4th May 2017, 13:47
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Sir William, if this is the Harrier, let's get ourselves sorted, I have a sealed bid in for this, just the thing for back firing some stuff down Tmac's Funnel for a laugh.

This belongs on the GD, I am sure they are laughably simple to fly, and use very little fuel. Prob'ly run on the old Gripetini mashings, there are always plenty of those, after all, the Gripetini itself is fuel for anything, but we can't waste it.

Red-17, you are too cautious, the GD is 10 times more safe than Kim Jung Un's missiles.
Buvez toujours, mourrez jamais.
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Old 4th May 2017, 16:53
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When I see one of those things, I always think about the words an old pilot said to me a long time ago.

"Just remember, taking off is optional, landing is compulsory."

We might have to shore up the upper deck before we add it to our toys. Somebody I worked with had served in the RAF when they took over the operation of them from the Navy. They said that they had a nasty habit of dropping out of the sky when trying to land. The crash recovery boys earned their keep, apparently.

(Just in case we can't install any reinforcements, I'm searching eBay for a large Trampoline.)
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Old 4th May 2017, 20:36
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No prob, Dartskip, we just open one of the hatches, when it goes below deck level, just shut the hatch. That will do it. Tmac has the capability to fix anything, it'll be like a child's balloon after he has tamed it. It'll run on almost anything, I'm sure, prob'ly sea water and a bit of pepper.

This is our machine, I can feel it in my bones. I'm practising by jumping up and down, that is the way to train.
Buvez toujours, mourrez jamais.
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Old 4th May 2017, 20:39
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That is definitely a plan. Just need someone with a frying pan in each hand to guide it down.
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Old 4th May 2017, 21:03
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Originally Posted by billyboy View Post
Nah.. remember Boss, jets are for kids ('sides, a guy in Va Beach, VA has options on this bird to go along with the Sea Harrier he already owns... and would cost too much to make airworthy.... ). I'll stick with Budgie v4.0 (an MV-22 Osprey that I traded some US Marines some stuff for)... anyone wanna be ramp gunner on the .50 cal or is Sis E still available.
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Old 4th May 2017, 22:06
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Relax guys, the sale of the Harrier is off. Flying officer SSR has talked sense to me. it would not prove to be to our advantage.

Red-17. I think you have been aboard long enough to be let into one or two secrets about this wonder ship. Meet me up n the driving cab thingy on the 8 till 12 watch and I will show you some features of this amazing craft.
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Old 4th May 2017, 22:36
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A disappointment, but it makes sense to take the advice of experts. I shall keep my eye open in Exchange and Mart for some more fun stuff.

Anyway, I am busy working on a salvage job for Sir William, my time is taken.

Still, I feel a little wistful. Steward, a mug of cocoa if you please, with a schooner of Four Bells to chase it down. Will you join me, Tom?
Buvez toujours, mourrez jamais.
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Old 5th May 2017, 01:04
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On all the years I have been on this ship I have NEVER heard Tom refuse a 4 bells. A true seaman to the last is Tom.
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Old 5th May 2017, 04:04
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Originally Posted by ssr481 View Post
Nah.. remember Boss, jets are for kids ('sides, a guy in Va Beach, VA has options on this bird to go along with the Sea Harrier he already owns... and would cost too much to make airworthy.... ). I'll stick with Budgie v4.0 (an MV-22 Osprey that I traded some US Marines some stuff for)... anyone wanna be ramp gunner on the .50 cal or is Sis E still available.
I have no idea what you are talking about SSR. A little bit more info would be helpful for those of us that are not initiated. I would have thought that a Sea Harrier would be perfect for the GD, no need to extend the deck.

If no one has the job yet I would be happy to perform the duties of the one with the frying pans in each hand. Up, down, right, left, duck!!!!!
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Vicki D
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Old 5th May 2017, 04:07
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Originally Posted by billyboy View Post
have a good look around Tassie (peggy747, from SN lives there in St Helens)
How come you know where everyone lives billyboy???? Have you got drones everywhere keeping an eye on us? I've seen a couple in my neighbourhood recently. (Say's to self, must look for how to make a slingshot).
You may not be able to do anything about the wind but you can reset your sails

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Old 5th May 2017, 07:26
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Originally Posted by Farmer John View Post
A disappointment, but it makes sense to take the advice of experts. I shall keep my eye open in Exchange and Mart for some more fun stuff.

Anyway, I am busy working on a salvage job for Sir William, my time is taken.

Still, I feel a little wistful. Steward, a mug of cocoa if you please, with a schooner of Four Bells to chase it down. Will you join me, Tom?
I will be delighted to join you -- Cocoa --- Two teaspoons Frys cocoa very well mixed with one teaspoon of sugar and two teaspoons Nestles condensed milk (out of date lifeboat stores) Boiling water from the kettle poured from a height of 1 foot above the mug to produce foam. Take to wing of bridge and consume in less that a minute otherwise it wil be cold already yet. The Four Bells sounds like a plan as well.
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Old 5th May 2017, 07:35
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Originally Posted by billyboy View Post
Hmmmm Toms turned right leaving the Harbour. He must be headed for Wellington (some right old boots there)or Christchurch at a guess. maybe even run down to Invercargil, seem to remember we had a great run ashore there, the locals were great (maybe because i was paying) the lovely little rooms above that bar were nice. and the bar itself decorated with those red lights looked good too.
All things in order, Sir William -- Farmer John, Tmac, Dartskipper, and myself are still enjoying the bar. I will text the ECDIS on the GD and instruct the vessel to head for Wellington. That way we can catch the bus down to catch up. Invergcargill a bit later, although Red-17 seems bent on raising our moral (or is that immoral?) standards
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Old 5th May 2017, 08:02
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Originally Posted by billyboy View Post
Relax guys, the sale of the Harrier is off. Flying officer SSR has talked sense to me. it would not prove to be to our advantage.

Red-17. I think you have been aboard long enough to be let into one or two secrets about this wonder ship. Meet me up n the driving cab thingy on the 8 till 12 watch and I will show you some features of this amazing craft.
At last, I wondered when I might be shown some of the intricacies of the GD.
You may not be able to do anything about the wind but you can reset your sails

Vicki D
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Old 5th May 2017, 08:06
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Originally Posted by Farmer John View Post
Red-17, you are too cautious, the GD is 10 times more safe than Kim Jung Un's missiles.
Until I have all the facts about what is going on I shall remain cautious. It is in my nature, that applies to everything!

Please don't mention KJU's name again, it brings me out in hives. Anybody got any calamine lotion handy?
You may not be able to do anything about the wind but you can reset your sails

Vicki D
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