How long can a piece of rope be, being towed astern of the GD, before it snaps under it's own weight?
Just wondering if your combined maths brains can work that out? I spend too much time navel gazing I think ... |
We use the Best Bridport Rope. Lasts forever and floats. Over long lengths the curvature of the earth compensates for any sagging.
But, are we towing a submarine perhaps?
The Mad Landsman |
Right lads gather around because Twiki will educate us on uses of the catenary. Bit of a boffin.
Cheap live-aboards berthed Thames, in walking district 'City' - Good.
Cheap live-aboards adrift mid-oggin, needing min 12 MHz make-speak Mayday - Bad If boxes fish in meat-room check we have no passed passengers resting fish-room.
David V Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right It is the duty of the wealthy man To give employment to the artisan |
I'm no boffin ES. The last time I used my bamboo Faber=Castell slide rule, I got a blood blister off that plastic sliding thing on it and it made me swear. That's why it's called a cursor. I just thought that you chaps may have come upon such calculations whilst towing things around the world.
I do like that catenary word though - it's applicable to the Chain Bridge over the River Tweed. And RT - I'm glad I hid the shotgun ... |
If you don't know who RT is going to shoot it is probably you. Beware.
No, but then I had a British Thornton slide rule. No foreign rubbish in my pencil box.
But having a sister work in the factory was significant in the ‘choice’.
The Mad Landsman |
Anyway, I can't find any depth charges for the limbo mortar so I filled it with scraps and peelings from the galley and shot it the hell away from the GD, and the tow rope. Oh well, I'd better polish the scuppers and grease the winches again. Time for drinks yet?
Wot? When is it not time for tincturing?
I've got a couple of slide rules but I haven't used them for so long the batteries must be flat now.
David V Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right It is the duty of the wealthy man To give employment to the artisan |
The fish has now been replaced in the fish fridge. Pantryman tells me that what was in there tasted like pork but it has all gone now.
Now I can see what is in the meat fridge. Good news, I have found some fowl. It looks like goose but has a red bill and there is some black plumage. I’m sure that it will be OK.
The Mad Landsman |
I've got my Dad's Mitutoyo Digital Vernier Guage (in a presentation box) that USSCo gave to him when he left them. It's got a flat battery too. Good to use in the dark as it's luminous - not bad for 1971. Slides don't rule any more - calculators took over Long live HP and Texas Instruments. OK, all this tech talk is too much. I'm with Varley for a celebratory tincture now. Join me in the Funnel Lounge and, if I get my pay, I'll buy everyone a drink, or a packet of cheese and onion chips each.
Merry Christmas to all you good guys and gals (and non-binary folk too). Have a safe and happy festive season and a simply superb 2025. Someone find out where the time has gone please. I still feel like I was 19 a couple of years ago. |
Thanks to all aboard the GD for putting up with me (again) during 2024.
We have voyaged to some weird, wonderful and strange places over the years. I don't think that anyone has even been incarcerated this year but, nevertheless, we must always remain vigilant! ![]() Anyway, Best Wishes to you all and also the wider circle of SH members for Christmas and the New Year.
If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around? Last edited by YM-Mundrabilla; 23rd December 2024 at 08:22. |
Not a bad idea - summer down there.
But aren’t we supposed to be delivering something, I know not what, to Klang Klang ? And what about the old tug that ‘someone’ inadvertently acquired?
The Mad Landsman |
Don't know about 'Summer down there', Malcolm. ???
It's only 17° here in Melbourne today! Three weeks or one day into Summer depending upon one's religion. But not to worry it is supposed to be 41° on Thursday. Yippee! ![]() ![]() ![]()
If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around? |
I am not against a challenge but that berg is 3.9 cubic kilometres. If we could source enough gin where would we get the tonic water?
David V Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right It is the duty of the wealthy man To give employment to the artisan |
In the spirit of the season - Fresh mince pies now available in the galley. Come and fill your boots.
Mr Tweedie: Please be so kind as dispose of these mincemeat canisters, it might spoil people's enjoyment if they read the labels, and please also bear in mind that the bridle runs out BOTH side of the stern. It took me ages to clear your last load of jetsam.
The Mad Landsman |
Mr Varley graduated to G&T?
and I got 7 cases of Old Tawney down below. Cant help thing that IF we manage to sell the Tow along the way, and swear that it sunk to the owners we could all have a decent Christmas bonus each.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge". A. Einstein. ![]() |
Jawohl mein führer!
Frantically searching for the table centre for Christmas Dinner tomorrow and dusting off the good crockery and cutlery. ![]() ![]() The Pudding is made and I sampled a few oysters and prawns in anticipation tonight. Just to make sure that they were OK, (of course). Bah humbug ................................. Might console myself with another Drambuie in the meantime. ![]() Merry Christmas to you all and a safe and healthy New Year. ![]() Thanks, too, and best wishes to those who have run this ship during 2024.
If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around? Last edited by YM-Mundrabilla; 24th December 2024 at 11:01. |
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